
meet our esteemed LA curators

We are pleased to announce that Shana Nys Dambrot and Tad Beck will be the curators of the Los Angeles Joint Custody Project.

Before we hear from them, here is a little background about these two.


Shana Nys Dambrot is an art critic, curator and author based in Venice, CA. Her fine art & design reviews, features and interviews have appeared in scores of regional, national, international and online publications including Modern Painters, ArtReview, ARTnews, Whitehotmagazine.com, The Believer, Kotori Magazine, tema celeste, Angeleno, Art Asia Pacific, Intersection, Juxtapoz and Coagula Art Journal. She is currently the LA Managing Editor at Flavorpill.com and a Contributing Editor at its affiliate publication Artkrush.com as well as at Artweek and Art Ltd and the Galleries Editor at TimeOut LA, and she is the author of scores of special exhibition book and catalogs essays locally and internationally. A complete account of her published books and articles can be found at sndx.net and she blogs sporadically at uber.com/snd. She holds a BA in Art History from Vassar College.


[Beefcake 4 by Tad Beck]

Tad Beck is a Los Angeles-based artist, working primarily in photography and video. He has studied at Cornell, SVA, and Art Center. Additionally, he is a full time intermedia professor at USC's Roski School of Fine Arts and has taught at Otis. Beck has had numerous solo shows throughout the country and has participated in scores of group exhibitions as well.



As a team, these two curators have a breadth of knowledge on production, analysis, and distribution of visual art, and both have firm roots in the Southern California creative landscape.

They will be making their selections soon, and, although we cannot reveal their choices until much later, we will share some of their thought processes about the individual artists and overall direction in which they are steering this ship.

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